Arcgis platform
Arcgis platform

arcgis platform

This definition can be unpacked by looking at its 3 key elements: Sanjeet has a different and interesting view on what a platform is:Ī platform is a plug-and-play business model that allows multiple participants (producers and consumers) to connect to it, interact with each other and create and exchange value. I recommend you read the entire article, but here are a few key points. Sangeet Paul Choudhary might have written this article a few years ago, but it is still a very good read. The Platform Stack: For Everyone Building a Platform… And For Everyone Else I discovered two interesting articles that present compelling views on what a platform is. Thanks to Google and other tech companies we can find almost anything on the Internet. Is there something sinister about technology platforms? Articles Not surprisingly Facebook and Google top the results, albeit not in an entirely positive manner. Not to be discouraged, I did to do another search on technology platform and here are the results: It is sobering that people are more interested in fishing and politics than IT, but this confirms that the Oxford Living Dictionaries definition resonates with the populace. I did a quick search with BuzzSumo on most shared content using Platform as the keyword and here are the results: Social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube have given us a voice and are increasingly used for political and social advocacy.Platform computing is a modern standard in IT, but middleware on top of hardware and OS has become the foundation for application development.Building or using an App has never been easier. A computing platform acts as raiser and reduces the distance between the technology and the needs of developers and end-users.

arcgis platform

I have highlighted the relevant parts in the context of this article, and can add the following comments. Oxford Living Dictionaries defines platform in the following manner. To answer this question, let us look at the dictionary definition of platform, most shared articles on the topic, and a few key articles. It will then give an overview of ArcGIS, before indicating what kind of platform ArcGIS really is. ArcGIS is often referred to as a platform, but isn’t everything a platform these days? To answer the above question, this article will explore various platform definitions.

Arcgis platform